A warm welcome to Nourishing Soul Therapy. My name is Monika Eichler. I am a licensed clinical social worker.
A question people often ask is "what makes people feel better in therapy?"
Some of the benefit comes from our ability to process our unique life experiences.
Some benefit comes from the passage of time.
Some benefit comes from learning new ways of thinking/feeling/acting.
I can help with both teaching new skills as well as helping to process that which has gotten "sticky" somehow in your core - body, mind, and soul. (I used to use the word "stuck", but that feels permanent, and we know we're in constant dynamic motion, so "sticky" feel more truthful).
That is the process of transformation.
Whether you have landed here for yourself, your child, or both,
I welcome having conversations with prospective clients to see if I am a good match for your needs.
I can provide tele-health sessions. These take place through a fully integrated, HIPAA compliant video conferencing element of Simple Practice. We “meet” on the screen of our computers rather than in person in the office.
What’s different about how I work?
I call my practice Nourishing Soul Therapy. It is my fundamental belief that we can learn helpful coping and self-regulation skills (as parents, and then teach our children too). There is a deeper part of who we are that has the inner wisdom and capacity to move towards well-being. I use this fundamental belief in this capacity to help you connect to that core part of your being - your Soul, and further more to connect and nourish your Soul's longing.
A neurodevelopmental, heart-centered approach
to working with young children and parents
I may be a good fit for you if any of these apply:
✳︎ You believe that you have the skills. You are someone who knows multiple techniques and self-help tools to help yourself feel better, yet have not been as successful to get where you want to be on your own. For example, you might have read many parenting books, striving to be the best parent you can, but still struggle “in the moment”
✳︎ You find yourself thinking you want to be your best self, yet often wish you could have done better when addressing frustrations in your life.
✳︎ You are highly talented in one or more areas of life yet also experience difficulty in your life. These might be in areas of relationships, career/finances and health, among others.
✳︎ You are pregnant and have many new feelings arising around how your life might shift and are feeling more vulnerable than ever before, and it’s not “just hormones”.
✳︎ You have just given birth. Perhaps, it didn’t go as planned, or even if it did, how you feel isn’t what you expected. You are feeling unsettled and wonder how you can move through it in a way that is nurturing and restorative to you, despite your continuous giving of yourself to this new baby who depends on you to survive.
✳︎ Regardless of whether or not you are a parent of a young child, you are someone who is interested in discovering new ideas about becoming a better you, reaching your highest potential, going beyond your self-imposed limitations of yourself, in parenting, career, relationship and health.
All of these examples all have one thing in common. Each person described above tells themselves a story about why they are doing/feeling/thinking or not doing/feeling/thinking something. It’s only natural. Some look at their own childhood issues. Others blame the outside world - job, lack of resources, health, relationship. We all make meaning out of the events in our lives. Not always, but we tend to see that some of these stories tie into a core underlying belief that we are not good enough. We do everything to keep those core belief of not feeling worthy, hopeful, or powerful at arms length. There is hope. I have helped people not only uncover their core beliefs (affecting many aspects of their life) but also helped them to shift those beliefs and help to rewrite (much like a computer program) these “programs”. Without a new story, they end up in similar relationships, jobs, health issues – same story, different character. Sound familiar?
It’s my job to help you learn new ways to bring your best self forward, to embody the person to want to be.
Please contact me today!